Jainism is Transtheistic, which means its neither theistic nor atheistic, but is beyond them. Jainism is a Way of Life whose ultimate goal is enlightenment through self-improvement. 

The three core Jain principles have sustained and endured for almost 3000 years. Modern science supports these principles:

Non-violence (Ahimsa): Co-existing with all things living is more important today then ever. Strict vegetarianism is one of the ways this principle is manifest. Climate change research strongly recommends a shift to plant-based diet for a Sustainable planet. 

Many-sided reality (anekāntavāda): The doctrine states that truth and reality are complex and always have multiple aspects. In today's world of absolutes and binary views points, this principle is an important reminder to listen and learn other view points 

Non-attachment (aparigraha): The third main principle in Jainism is aparigraha which means non-attachment to worldly possessions. This principle reminds us that there is plenty in the world for everyone's needs, but not for everyone's greed. This principle promotes Equality

Mahatma Gandhi, often called India's Father of the Nation, was an ardent follow of Jain principles.