Jain United Sangh of Bay Area - JUSBA is a IRS registered 501(c) charitable organization. Our EIN is 87-3990405.

Our center is located at 1069 Serpentine Lane, Suite 600, Pleasanton, CA 94566.  We are open everyday at below time slots.

Mon-Fri (WeekDays) 

Sat/Sun (Weekends) 

To join JUSBA email list send email to: jusbasubscribers+subscribe@jusba.org

To join JUSBA WhatsApp Announcement Group go to: JUSBA Announcement

JUSBA Officer and Board of Directors

You can reach JUSBA at info@jusba.org

JUSBA is deeply appreciative of our members who have made significant contributions to support the organization. 

Benefactor Level 

Gold Level 

Silver Level 

Bronze Level